Rogue River Steelhead, 1913

The Oregon Digital Newspaper Project is a treasure trove of history. A search for the word “steelhead” landed this one. Click on the image below to launch the ODNP page and read the article.  Enjoy!

image: screenshot of Oregonina article about steelhead fishing on Rogue River, Oregon

Here are flies similar to those mentioned in the article, as tied by the brilliant Don Bastian:

Image: Royal Coachman wet flies tied by Don Bastian

Royal Coachman (Wet Flies)

image: Coachman wet fly

COACHMAN Tip: Gold tinsel if desired Tail: None Ribbing: None Body: Peacock herl Hackle: Dark red brown or brown Wing: White

image: Gray Hackle Yellow fly

GRAY HACKLE YELLOW Hook: Standard wet fly hook, size #8 to #16 Thread: Danville Flymaster 6/0 white for body; black for head Tag: Flat gold tinsel Ribbing: Flat gold tinsel Body: Yellow floss Hackle: Grizzly hen